Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hourglass-Figure of British Women Disappearing

The figure, once a winding, hourglass of British women are becoming a thing of the past, this according to the latest survey conducted by the University College London and the London College of Fashion. The study results showed that British women now tend to have a block on the hourglass figure as a figure of the woman in English in 1950. First conducted in the UK population since 1950, the survey of 11,000 subjects using 3D and full body scanner that automatically extract 130 body measurements of each subject. The research was supported by the United Kingdom, 17 of the largest distributors in the UK, as House of Fraser and Marks & Spencer, academic leaders and technology companies. Since 1950, the survey showed that weight, busts, life, and even feet of British women are raised to share extraordinary. women in 1950 was characterized by fuller breasts and waist and slim hips. In particular, women in 1950 had created three shoes, clothes size 12, 30B bra size 9ST and weighed just over 10 pounds. British female figure, 60 years later, has changed dramatically. Today, women have more fat on the back, sides and rounded belly fat. In particular, women today wear size 6 shoes, dress size 16, size 36C / D and support half a stone heavier. The figure in the expansion of women is attributed to changing lifestyles. These lifestyle changes include: women now tend to eat more fatty and sugary foods, binge eating, the availability of ready to eat in supermarkets, more sedentary life led by the availability of labor-saving gadgets such as dishwashers, washing machines , cars, and not to mention shopping online, and lack of gardens where people can grow fruits and vegetables. In contrast, in 1950 women ate more carbohydrates, less fat and sugar, the economic crisis because of the Second World War made it impossible for people to overeat, were creative in their diet because of the lack of supermarkets, the availability of fruits and vegetables from his garden, the lack of jobs, saving gadget taking people performing tasks easier to burn stubborn fat.