Saturday, September 26, 2009

Microsoft Xbox 360 - Project Natal - How This Will Effect Your Business

Just watch YouTube videos and tell me the first words that appear in the head. "Beam me up Scotty". A sentence of classic icon of all Sci-Fi shows. We are not yet scientifically? No, not yet - something about the lithium crystals shortages likely. Transporter Scotty could ever beam more than dreams, and the rate of curvature is ... Well ... light years away. But that old starship Enterprise team, known affectionately as "PC" is closer to each day.Microsoft is soon to launch its latest version of the game graphics of the Xbox 360 with the new project "Christmas", which includes a set by Spooky features that are down-right. Just regular old voice recognition and facial recognition and a virtual character that can recognize your emotional state.

Mix a few drops dead and amazing graphics (I intend to drop the jaw), virtual interaction and are not transported back to the planet Klingon long because then you are a Vulcan mind sending meld.Microsoft this demo version to a number of executives from the worlds best game and the results are obliged "to go where no man has gone before." Steven Spielberg is gaga with his recent close encounter with Nadal. Your children will be of beams and protruding eyes with your new Xbox, faster than you can send your bank account. Your kids may never leave the house. And, of course, is only a game.Can imagine the number of spin off? It could be just a game, but now technology will undoubtedly expand in all possible areas. Video conferencing will never be caught in downward spiral of the same old black hole of boredom. Its next conference can be interactive virtual level set in the same way that Claire is immersed in the amazing world of Mylar in the video. N. Fax more boring. You have a sudden brain - Scribble down and passes through the virtual screen. Why not have a virtual narrator chair the meeting? An impartial narrator, which recognizes all the participants and all statistics and data on the virtual hand of the company.

The possibilities are endless.Think on the efficiency of a virtual online service / online help. A charming person with virtually all customer data at your fingertips. The client can not remember the exact date of purchase or the type of service required, but your employer will certainly last virtual photography. Need a copy of receipts or documents, just ask. Voice mail is certainly not winning friends at the moment, but imagine how an employee can walk virtual customers through a virtual demonstration of a technical test procedure before returning to his new gadget for your age repairer . (Press 1 for interest.) Trekkies Technology in the world of advertising is going to jump at full speed with this technology. Interactive advertising, virtual reality might be too attract off. Imagine consumers addicted to advertising? Get ready for a super nova of change. "Beam me up Scotty".